
In the previous sections, we learned how to create effects and execute them. In this section, we will learn how to write simple programs with Effect.

There are two main styles for writing programs with Effect - using generators and using pipelines - both of which can be freely mixed and matched.

Writing Programs with Generators

The Effect.gen utility provided by Effect offers a convenient syntax, similar to async/await, which can be used to write effectful code using JavaScript's generator functions.

This allows you to write code in a more imperative style which can enhance readability especially for those who are new to Effect.

Let's take a look at a very simple example:

Effect.gen(function*() {
const n = yield* Effect.sync(() => Math.random())
if (n > 0.5) {
yield* Effect.log(`The number ${n} is greater than 0.5`)
} else {
yield* Effect.log(`The number ${n} is less than 0.5`)
return n
Effect.gen(function*() {
const n = yield* Effect.sync(() => Math.random())
if (n > 0.5) {
yield* Effect.log(`The number ${n} is greater than 0.5`)
} else {
yield* Effect.log(`The number ${n} is less than 0.5`)
return n

To learn about writing programs with Effect.gen, please visit the corresponding page in the documentation and return here once you are finished reading.

The use of generators is an optional feature in Effect. If you find generators unfamiliar or prefer a different coding style, you can skip this section and move on to Writing Programs with Pipelines the next section of the tutorial which covers building pipelines with Effect.

Some key takeaways from the documentation on using generators with Effect include:

  • Logic goes inside a generator function wrapped by Effect.gen
    • i.e. Effect.gen(function*() { /* Logic goes here */ })
  • Use yield* to get the return value of effects
  • Standard control flow constructs can be used
  • Errors short-circuit evaluation

Writing Programs with Pipelines

Using pipelines to create programs with Effect allows for the composition and sequencing of operations on values, enabling the transformation and manipulation of data in a clear, concise, and modular manner.

The pipe utility enables the creation of pipelines with Effect by taking the output of one function and passing it as the input to the next function in the pipeline. The sequential composition of functions is why we refer to this style of writing Effect programs as "creating pipelines".

Let's take a look at the same example from the previous section re-written to use pipe:

Effect.sync(() => Math.random()).pipe(
Effect.tap((n) =>
n > 0.5
? Effect.log(`The number ${n} is greater than 0.5`)
: Effect.log(`The number ${n} is less than 0.5`)
Effect.sync(() => Math.random()).pipe(
Effect.tap((n) =>
n > 0.5
? Effect.log(`The number ${n} is greater than 0.5`)
: Effect.log(`The number ${n} is less than 0.5`)

The Effect.tap method allows us to access the value of the previous Effect, perform some logic, and then ignore the result of said logic, returning the value of the effect prior to executing Effect.tap.

To learn about creating pipelines with pipe, please visit the corresponding page in the documentation and return here once you are finished reading.

Some key takeaways from the documentation on creating pipelines with Effect include:

  • pipe will apply all functions in the pipeline to a value sequentially
  • The .pipe method is available as a convenience method on most data types in the Effect ecosystem


Using the concepts we just learned about writing programs with Effect, complete the TODOs in the editor.

Bonus: re-write the program in the editor to utilize a pipeline instead of a generator.

Remember, if you ever get stuck try clicking the "Show Solution" button in the upper right-hand corner of the editor.

Next: Managing Errors