
Returning Values

Congratulations on running your first Effect!

However, in the previous section our program had the type void in the Success channel of the effect, indicating that the program did not return any meaningful value.

In this section, we are going to explore how we can create effects that do return meaningful values.

Modeling Synchronous Computations


To create an effect that returns the same value every time that it is run, you can use the Effect.succeed constructor. It takes a pure value as input and produces an effect that succeeds with that value.

Here's an example:


When run, this effect will always succeed with the value 42.


If you want to create an effect that executes a synchronous function each time it is run, you can use the Effect.sync constructor. It takes a thunk (i.e. a function with no arguments) as input, and calls that function each time the effect is run. This is particularly useful when you need to encapsulate operations within effect that have side-effects (e.g. logging to the console).

Here's an example:

Effect.sync(() => Date.now())
Effect.sync(() => Date.now())

This effect will return the current date each time. Note that if we used Effect.succeed(Date.now()) instead, the date would be fixed to the time when the effect was created instead of being re-evaluated each time the effect is run.

The thunk passed to Effect.sync should never throw errors.

If, despite warnings, the thunk passed to Effect.sync does throw an error, the Effect runtime will create an Effect containing a "defect" (see Unexpected Errors in the documentation).


For situations where you need to perform a synchronous computation that may fail, you can use the Effect.try constructor. This constructor has two variants that can be used depending upon whether or not you would like to customize error handling.

For example, let's say we have a function numberOrFail that can potentially throw an Error:

function numberOrFail(num: number) {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
throw new Error("failed")
return num
function numberOrFail(num: number) {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
throw new Error("failed")
return num

If we do not need to customize error handling at all, we can directly pass our numberOrFail function to Effect.try. In this case, any errors thrown by the function passed to Effect.try will be wrapped by an UnknownException:

Effect.try(() => numberOrFail(42))
Effect.try(() => numberOrFail(42))

However, if we do need to customize error handling, we can use the other variant of Effect.try which allows us to catch and handle any errors thrown from our synchronous function:

// Try to run our synchronous function
try: () => numberOrFail(42),
// Catch and re-map the error to something possibly more useful
catch: (error) => new Error(`An error occurred: ${error}`)
// Try to run our synchronous function
try: () => numberOrFail(42),
// Catch and re-map the error to something possibly more useful
catch: (error) => new Error(`An error occurred: ${error}`)

This pattern is analagous to a standard try-catch block in JavaScript.

Modeling Asynchronous Computations


If you want to create an effect from an asynchronous function that returns a Promise, you can use the Effect.promise constructor. The resulting effect will resolve the returned Promise and succeed with it's value.

Here's an example:

() => fetch("https://api.github.com/users/octocat")
() => fetch("https://api.github.com/users/octocat")

This effect will fetch the GitHub user octocat and succeed with the response.

The Promise returned by the thunk passed to Effect.promise should never reject.

If, despite warnings, the thunk passed to Effect.promise does reject, the Effect runtime will create an Effect containing a "defect" (see Unexpected Errors in the documentation).


For situations where you need to perform an asynchronous computation that may fail, you can use the Effect.tryPromise constructor. Similar to Effect.try, the Effect.tryPromise constructor has two variants that can be used depending upon whether or not you would like to customize error handling.

If you do not need to customize error handling, the syntax is similar to Effect.promise, the difference being that if the promise rejects, the error will be wrapped into an UnknownException:

() => fetch("https://api.github.com/users/octocat")
() => fetch("https://api.github.com/users/octocat")

However, if you do need to customize error handling, you can use the other variant of Effect.tryPromise which allows for catching and handling the error returned by the rejected Promise:

// Try to run the promise
try: () => fetch("https://api.github.com/users/octocat"),
// Catch and re-map the error to something possibly more useful
catch: (error) => new Error(`An error occurred: ${error}`)
// Try to run the promise
try: () => fetch("https://api.github.com/users/octocat"),
// Catch and re-map the error to something possibly more useful
catch: (error) => new Error(`An error occurred: ${error}`)

This is similar to adding a .catch handler to a Promise.


Using the Effect functions we just learned, complete the TODO's in the editor.

Remember, if you ever get stuck try clicking the "Show Solution" button in the upper right-hand corner of the editor.

Next: Writing Programs with Effect