
What is an Effect?

The Effect type represents an immutable value that lazily describes a computation, workflow, or job. In some ways you can think of an Effect like a lazy Promise. But Effects are not actually Promises, of course - they are much more powerful and can be used to model synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and resourceful computations.

The Effect type has three generic type parameters which allow us to fully describe all aspects of a program. Let's take a closer look:

Effect<Success, Error, Requirements>

The Success type represents the type of value that an effect can succeed with when executed. If this type parameter is void, it means the effect produces no useful information, while if it is never, it means the effect will run forever (or until it fails).

The Error type represents expected errors that can occur when executing an effect. If this type parameter is never, it means the effect cannot fail because there are no values of type never.

The Requirements type represents the contextual data required by the effect in order to be executed. This data is stored internally within a specialized collection called Context (docs). If this type parameter is never, it means the effect does not have any requirements and that the underlying Context collection is empty.

In the Effect ecosystem, you may often encounter the type parameters of the Effect type abbreviated as A, E, and R respectively. This is just shorthand for the success value of type A, Error, and Requirements. Additionally, you may also hear these type parameters referred to as channels of an Effect.

Describing Computations

We previously mentioned that an Effect is actually an immutable and lazy description of a computation. This means that when you create an Effect, nothing actually happens. You are only describing what you want your program to do. The fact that an Effect is an inherently lazy, immutable description of a program is a key component to what powers many of the features of the library.

Similar to calling a function, to actually execute a program described by an Effect, you must explicitly run the Effect using Effect's runtime system.

To get a better understanding of what we mean, let's implement a simple program that outputs "Hello, World!" to the console.

Running an Effect

In the editor to the right, you can see an example of the Effect.log function. This effect will log the provided message (in this case Hello, World!) to the console, along with some other relevant metadata.

But how do we actually run it?

If you type Effect.run into the editor, you will see several different options to choose from. For this example let's try running our Effect.log program with the Effect.runPromise function.

To learn more about the different ways you can execute an Effect, checkout the documentation on Running Effects.

To use Effect.runPromise:

Effect.runPromise(/* your effect goes here */)
Effect.runPromise(/* your effect goes here */)

Additionally, take a look at the type of our Effect.log program by hovering over the program variable in the editor. We can see that:

  • The program has void in the Success channel, which means that no value will be produced by the program
  • The program has never in the Error channel, which means that no expected errors will be produced by the program
  • The program has never in the Requirements channel, which means that the program has no other requirements in order to be run

Remember, if you ever get stuck try clicking the "Show Solution" button in the upper right-hand corner of the editor.

Next: Creating Effects