
Dealing with Errors

As you continue to adopt Effect into your codebase, you may encounter situations where you need to propagate error information from Effect code to non-Effect code.

For example, perhaps your business requirements dictate that you must log all errors to a third-party log aggregator.

In this section, we will explore several strategies for allowing your existing application to access both expected and unexpected errors coming from Effect code.

For more information about managing errors within your Effect programs, checkout the section on Error Management in the documentation.

Example Business Case

Let's imagine that we are working on refactoring a part of our application to use Effect. The part of our application we are refactoring involves communicating with one of our company's REST APIs to retrieve the price of a particular product we sell. If requests to our company's API are unsuccessful, the program will fail with an HttpError.

Our business requirements dictate the following:

  • Our application's ErrorReporter must be used to report all errors occurring within our application to an external error tracking service
  • Our application's LogAggregator must be used to log the results of successful API calls to an external log aggregation service

Working with Expected Errors

Effect provides a variety of tools to make working with expected errors in your program as simple as possible. These tools can also be used to provide the surrounding application with error information coming from your Effect code.

In the first example below, we utilize Effect.catchTag to "catch" the HttpError in our Effect program. We then use Effect.promise to allow our application's ErrorReporter to report on the error.

import { Data, Effect } from "effect"
// === Effect Code ===
class HttpError extends Data.TaggedError("HttpError") {}
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
// Simulate the possibility of error
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
return yield* new HttpError()
// Simulate a response from our API
return yield* Effect.succeed(42)
// === Application Code ===
interface LogAggregator {
log(value: any): Promise<void>
interface ErrorReporter {
report(error: any): Promise<void>
declare const logger: LogAggregator
declare const reporter: ErrorReporter
async function main() {
await program.pipe(
Effect.andThen((result) => logger.log(result)),
Effect.catchTag("HttpError", (error) =>
Effect.promise(() => reporter.report(error))
import { Data, Effect } from "effect"
// === Effect Code ===
class HttpError extends Data.TaggedError("HttpError") {}
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
// Simulate the possibility of error
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
return yield* new HttpError()
// Simulate a response from our API
return yield* Effect.succeed(42)
// === Application Code ===
interface LogAggregator {
log(value: any): Promise<void>
interface ErrorReporter {
report(error: any): Promise<void>
declare const logger: LogAggregator
declare const reporter: ErrorReporter
async function main() {
await program.pipe(
Effect.andThen((result) => logger.log(result)),
Effect.catchTag("HttpError", (error) =>
Effect.promise(() => reporter.report(error))

In the next example below, we wrap our entire program in a call to Effect.either. This operator will convert an Effect<A, E, R> into an Effect<Either<A, E>, never, R>, thereby exposing expected errors in the success channel of your program.

We can then use methods from the Either module to handle error and success cases separately.

import { Data, Effect, Either } from "effect"
// === Effect Code ===
class HttpError extends Data.TaggedError("HttpError") {}
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
// Simulate the possibility of error
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
return yield* new HttpError()
return yield* Effect.succeed(42)
// === Application Code ===
interface LogAggregator {
log(value: any): Promise<void>
interface ErrorReporter {
report(error: any): Promise<void>
declare const logger: LogAggregator
declare const reporter: ErrorReporter
async function main() {
await Effect.runPromise(Effect.either(program)).then(
// Handle the error case
onLeft: (error) => reporter.report(error),
// Handle the success case
onRight: (value) => logger.log(value)
import { Data, Effect, Either } from "effect"
// === Effect Code ===
class HttpError extends Data.TaggedError("HttpError") {}
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
// Simulate the possibility of error
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
return yield* new HttpError()
return yield* Effect.succeed(42)
// === Application Code ===
interface LogAggregator {
log(value: any): Promise<void>
interface ErrorReporter {
report(error: any): Promise<void>
declare const logger: LogAggregator
declare const reporter: ErrorReporter
async function main() {
await Effect.runPromise(Effect.either(program)).then(
// Handle the error case
onLeft: (error) => reporter.report(error),
// Handle the success case
onRight: (value) => logger.log(value)

Expected and Unexpected Errors

The simplest method of gaining access to both expected and unexpected errors returned from an Effect program is to simply run your program with Effect.runPromise and then catch any thrown errors.

import { Data, Effect } from "effect"
// === Effect Code ===
class HttpError extends Data.TaggedError("HttpError") {}
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
// Simulate the possibility of error
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
return yield* new HttpError()
return yield* Effect.succeed(42)
// === Application Code ===
interface LogAggregator {
log(value: any): Promise<void>
interface ErrorReporter {
report(error: any): Promise<void>
declare const logger: LogAggregator
declare const reporter: ErrorReporter
async function main() {
await Effect.runPromise(program)
.then((value) => logger.log(value))
.catch((error) => reporter.report(error))
import { Data, Effect } from "effect"
// === Effect Code ===
class HttpError extends Data.TaggedError("HttpError") {}
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
// Simulate the possibility of error
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
return yield* new HttpError()
return yield* Effect.succeed(42)
// === Application Code ===
interface LogAggregator {
log(value: any): Promise<void>
interface ErrorReporter {
report(error: any): Promise<void>
declare const logger: LogAggregator
declare const reporter: ErrorReporter
async function main() {
await Effect.runPromise(program)
.then((value) => logger.log(value))
.catch((error) => reporter.report(error))

The benefit of this approach is that errors returned by Effect.runPromise will be automatically wrapped by Effect's special FiberFailure error. The FiberFailure error type will prettify the Cause of the failure for you (see the Cause documentation for more information), making it easier to log the error and any associated stack trace.

However, there are several downsides to this approach:

  • There is not an "easy" way to introspect the Cause of the failure for additional information
  • If there are multiple errors in the underlying Cause, only the first error will be rendered by the FiberFailure

Introspecting the Cause

Introspecting the full Cause of failure of our Effect programs can be extremely useful when we need granular information about the failure(s) that occurred.

For example, perhaps we need to respond to an Interrupt cause in a different manner than a Fail cause.

If we want to perform some operations on the full Cause of failure of our program, we have a variety options available to us:

  • We could utilize sandboxing to expose the full Cause of failure in our program's error channel
  • We could run our program to an Exit using Effect.runPromiseExit and then match on the success and error cases


The team in charge of the TodoRepository has continued to refactor the create method. The method now returns an Effect<Todo, CreateTodoError>.

Using what we have learned above, your tasks for this exercise include:

  • If creation of a Todo results in a CreateTodoError
    • Set the response status code to 404
    • Return a JSON response that conforms to the following { "type": "CreateTodoError", "text": <TODO_TEXT> }

Modify the code in the editor to the right to accomplish your tasks.

Please note that there is no one "correct" answer, as there are multiple ways to achieve the desired outcome.

Next: Handling Requirements