
Handling Requirements

Utilizing Effect.runPromise to interop with your existing application is fine when you are just getting started with adopting Effect. However, it will quickly become apparent that this approach does not scale, especially once you start using Effect to manage the requirements of your application and Layers to compose the dependency graph between services.

For a detailed walkthrough of how to manage requirements within your Effect applications, take a look at the Requirements Management section of the documentation.

Understanding the Problem

To understand the problem, let's take a look at a simple example where we create a Layer which logs "Hello, World" when constructed. The layer is then provided to two Effect programs which are executed at two separate execution boundaries.

import { Console, Effect, Layer } from "effect"
const HelloWorldLive = Layer.effectDiscard(
Console.log("Hello, World!")
async function main() {
// Execution Boundary #1
await Effect.succeed(1).pipe(
// Execution Boundary #2
await Effect.succeed(2).pipe(
* Output:
* Hello, World!
* Hello, World!
import { Console, Effect, Layer } from "effect"
const HelloWorldLive = Layer.effectDiscard(
Console.log("Hello, World!")
async function main() {
// Execution Boundary #1
await Effect.succeed(1).pipe(
// Execution Boundary #2
await Effect.succeed(2).pipe(
* Output:
* Hello, World!
* Hello, World!

As you can see from the output, the message "Hello, World!" is logged twice. This is because each call to Effect.provide will fully construct the dependency graph specified by the Layer and then provide it to the Effect program.

This can create problems when your layers are meant to encapsulate logic that is only meant to be executed once (for example, creating a database connection pool) or when layer construction is expensive (for example, fetching a large number of remote assets and caching them in memory).

To solve this problem, we need some sort of top-level, re-usable Effect Runtime which contains our fully constructed dependency graph, and then use that Runtime to execute our Effect programs instead of the default Runtime used by the Effect.run* methods.

Managed Runtimes

The ManagedRuntime data type in Effect allows us to create a top-level, re-usable Effect Runtime which encapsulates a fully constructed dependency graph. In addition, ManagedRuntime gives us explicit control over when resources acquired by the runtime should be disposed.

Let's take a look at an example where we refactor the code from above to utilize ManagedRuntime:

import { Console, Effect, Layer, ManagedRuntime } from "effect"
const HelloWorldLive = Layer.effectDiscard(
Console.log("Hello, World!")
// Create a managed runtime from our layer
const runtime = ManagedRuntime.make(HelloWorldLive)
async function main() {
// Execution Boundary #1
await Effect.succeed(1).pipe(
// Execution Boundary #2
await Effect.succeed(2).pipe(
// Dispose of resources when no longer needed
await runtime.dispose()
* Output:
* Hello, World!
import { Console, Effect, Layer, ManagedRuntime } from "effect"
const HelloWorldLive = Layer.effectDiscard(
Console.log("Hello, World!")
// Create a managed runtime from our layer
const runtime = ManagedRuntime.make(HelloWorldLive)
async function main() {
// Execution Boundary #1
await Effect.succeed(1).pipe(
// Execution Boundary #2
await Effect.succeed(2).pipe(
// Dispose of resources when no longer needed
await runtime.dispose()
* Output:
* Hello, World!

Some things to note about the program above include:

  • "Hello, World!" is only logged to the console once
  • We no longer have to provide HelloWorldLive to each Effect program
  • Resources acquired by the ManagedRuntime must be manually disposed of


The team in charge of the TodoRepository has been hard at work and has managed to convert the TodoRepository into a completely Effect-based service complete with a Layer for service construction.

Using what we have learned above, your tasks for this exercise include:

  • Create a ManagedRuntime which takes in the TodoRepository layer
  • Use the ManagedRuntime to run the Effect programs within the Express route handlers
  • For any Effect program which may result in a TodoNotFoundError:
    • Set the response status code to 404
    • Return a JSON response that conforms to the following { "type": "TodoNotFound", "id": <TODO_ID> }
  • BONUS: properly dispose of the ManagedRuntime when the server shuts down

Modify the code in the editor to the right to accomplish your tasks.

Please note that there is no one "correct" answer, as there are multiple ways to achieve the desired outcome.